Saturday, January 16, 2010

Ahoy from...ah....yup, still Burlington

Hey there everyone! It's been awhile...still baking o'course, but this time at Fresh Market Cheese Outlet Bakery on Pine Street...meaning I'm still in Burlington. AAAAAAAaaaaaagggggh! You know, one day I do plan to get on outta here. However, I do love my job. I get to work with awesome girlies who love to bake as much, if not more than I do! Cool peeps, creative freedom, elbow deep in cookie dough....(imagine very contented!)

I'm working through some personal poopie as well at the moment, but have no fear! My sparkly joie-de-vie will prevail! Though, I would appreciate some happy vibes sent in my general direction if ya got any to spare...I love you all and I'll be back in the bake blog mode in a snap...promise!