Sunday, August 23, 2009

Cake, cake, cake...blondies!

And now, news from the cakefront...there are sweets to be had...even when life isn't so sweet. Not to be overly dramatic, but I find myself in the throes of yet another boy (or man, rather, since he's got 10 years on me...oh shut up) loving and losing. And still baking away. The dude is moving away far WA to be a part of the reality that, unfortunately for me, does not include me. Apparently our feelings are very much not the same when it comes to pain of leaving/being left. I am incredibly unhappy to report that this incurable romantic, willing to go to the ends of the earth and beyond in her search for real true love, finds herself no more than simply a summer fling. Ouch. I think I need a cookie. That's right, everybody. The skinny girls gonna go eat her feelings. Think I might have two. Oh, Zack. You're a big ass. And now I'll be one, too.

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