Monday, August 10, 2009

And the beat goes on....

All right, folks...after much time spent slinging cocktails and spending daylight hours being hungover, thanks to free and cheap drinks, looking for work and generally BSing around (mostly watching HBO and eating peanut butter & jelly sandwiches) I find myself waiting for the meaning of life to hit me hard in the face. Not having any real luck here, I've finally found a couple of new jobs and things are looking up! And I'm baking again like crazy!

It's true, I'm not in school at the moment, but that doesn't mean I'm not still teaching myself everything I can about baking, cooking, and decorating cakes...I just started work at Juniors, waiting tables in the evenings, and started working over at the Fresh Market bakery. I've spent my first 3 days there mixing and scooping cookies, making crumb pies (cherry-raspberry-rhubarb & peach-blackberry!), decorating and putting together an 8" heath bar cake [chocolate cake with milk chocolate ganache filling, caramel, and brown sugar cream cheese frosting complete with crushed heath bars on the sides of the cake].

It's wonderful because everyone at FM is talented, knowledgeable, creative, and driven...what an excellent atmosphere in which I find myself continuing on the way to baking paradise...more to follow...this week should be a full one. My nephew, Colin, is turning 1 on August 19th so I'll be coming up with a great big yummy cake for I'm putting together a fondant tutorial for 2 friends in the near future...need to get more luster dust in gold and much baking, so little time! A bientot, the meantime I'll be spreading the love, one cupcake at a time :)

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