Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Countdown: to the CIA in 41 days!!!

I can't believe that I will be at school baking every day in just a month and a half! I cannot tell you all how excited I am to be going for my dream...for real this time...I've only put it off since I graduated high school (I am still grateful to Nick for that one....long story) and nearly 5 years later, it's time to go for it! Unfortunately, what with the trying to hang out with friends and work and still manage some small amount of zzzz's, I haven't done much baking lately. I am going to try harder in the next month. Especially since I do get paid to do it at Sneakers...and they really want to have something pretty and tasty out on display. The grapefruit cupcakes actually went quickly...we sold out the second morning, thanks to Emily's table who purchased the 3 that were left from 15 the day before. Yay!
I loved the reaction people had to the idea of grapefruit cupcakes...not thinking it would be that great, maybe...but being quite pleasantly surprised. I must go to work now...sorry I haven't been as vigilant at keeping up with this blog...another thing, along with baking I must put more into. Thanks for staying tuned anyway...must think of a magical cupcake for tomorrow...maybe chocolate macaroon...! Love, Victoria

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