Thursday, April 2, 2009

Oy, no CIA for me....

I would like to cry...stamp my feet, throw myself on the floor and beat my fists against the incredibly unfortunate series of events that have just unfolded before me....however, I must be "mature" and tell myself that things happen for a reason...and that eventually whatever will be will's part of the plan...whatever....I cannot be positive about it right now.

As it turns out, there will be no school for me at the moment...or anytime in the next year. Things just did not come together as planned...I need to work things out in my personal life and get my finances in order before that can happen. So, really it's not the fault of the universe that I can't attend school now. Actually it has a lot to do with me, and there are a couple things you should know everyone! I have decided after much deliberation that I would like to study the general culinary arts as opposed to just baking...there is time for baking in my future, but I don't want to exclude cooking in's a dream of mine to open a "real" restaurant one day that will focus on local, seasonal ingredients and incorporate many ethnic ideas to make truly bangin' fusion food. And perhaps maybe one day go on Top Chef. and Win. And use the $100, 000 to open my bakery. Ha! Just wait, will happen! Victoria's not going down just because school is not in the cards just now...that's the great thing about cooking! You don't absolutely need to go to school...I think I'm motivated enough to be in charge of my learning for now. As long as I maintain my motivation and drive to succeed in the culinary world!!!

In the meantime, I will be working at a couple new places! I will miss Sneakers, but I will be cocktailing at the 1/2 Lounge, so if anyone misses me, you can come over to the lounge and I will serve you fancy drinks! I have an interview tonight at Drink as well, so wish me luck, guys! Keep your fingers crossed for me!

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