Friday, February 13, 2009


First off: I want to express my love for all of you out there. I don't think we show enough love for each other on regular basis...and no, i'm not a huge fan of valentine's day, except for baking purposes because mostly i feel it exists to make those of us who are single and happy that way feel alone, unfinished and inconsequential. Sorry for the downer shpiel. I am actually in a good mood this morning :)

That is because i am getting my mis en place ready to bake some serious love potion cupcakes after work today...right now i am measuring up flour, baking soda, sugar, cocoa powder, salt, oil, eggs...portioning it all out so that when i get home, i can bake away! The cupcakes are red velvet, which is a deep, moist bright red (thanks to large quantities of red food dye) cake with just a hint of chocolate and the hearty twang of buttermilk. Using oil lends a moist crumb and a lingering freshness, which is great for making cupcakes at work because except for the apple cider/caramel cupcakes, we rarely sell out the first day.

Baking in general is all about science, but this recipe feels particularly like a science experiment because when you add the dry to wet ingredients, the last step is to mix baking soda and 1 tsp vinegar, let it fizz and foam up and then add it to the batter...i am going to go look up what this does exactly and get back to you later when i add the photos...which you won't want to miss.

The cupcakes are going to be topped with a fluffy marshmallow n brown sugar frosting...and crowned to finish with fondant hearts of different sizes and colors. The frosting will be pink and the hearts will be of pink, burgundy and pretty!

Last night's baking project (I know, i usually don't bake at night, but Chris needed them for his class...) was no-bake cookies. These are the most ridiculously easy and delicious cookies ever. Seriously. If you "can't bake" and you want to make something delicious...try these! I will post recipe later...for now i must begin rolling and cutting fondant hearts...

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