Monday, January 26, 2009

Dinner, Drinks, Comedy, More Drinks...and I Spy

Today is a rare day...a day completely off! Free to mould people, dogs, and bunny butts out of gumpaste! Chris is going to play around with some sculpting tonight...we are making dinner....yesterday was devoted to working from 7-4 and then having dinner at Asiana House (sooo yummy!). We got the usual pink lady and volcano maki and also tried the super bowl maki which is a flash fried veggie spring roll rolled inside topped with crab salad and i think lightly torched tuna? Wow! Way too much food...i must warn you: do NOT order the Fire Mountain cocktail....ever. Unless you want to get your ass kicked in under 15 minutes by a $10 drink. I couldn't even drink it...first I tried a mango martini, which was strong (& only slightly sweet!) but maintained low levels of intimidation....however, the fire mountain came literally on fire as a bacardi gold shot inside a margherita glass full of cuervo and what they said was pineapple juice, midori, and lime juice. It definately was bright green. I took a couple sips after dumping the shot into the rest of the emeraldy concoction, but it was straight alcohol! nothing to cut the foul tequila...and I should have known better than to go with cuervo, but our table was near the door and it sounded warm...
We went to see the comedy battle last night after dinner at Higher was great! The winner Kevin had me in tears...literally: lines of mascara down the face funny. We had more drinks there and then drinks and the best nachos of all time (california nachos, sans the chicken) at daily planet. After which Chris dropped me off at home and I went online and chatted with some friends. Oh, yeah and I DRUNKENLY I-SPIED THE GUY I'VE HAD A CLOSET CRUSH ON FOR LIKE EVER WHO COMES INTO SNEAKERS SOMETIMES AND WORKS SECURITY AT HIGHER GROUND AND HE WAS THERE LAST NIGHT AND I BUMP INTO HIM EVERYWHERE AND HE LOOKS LIKE A HUNKY VERSION OF MICHAEL CERA AND I THINK HE'S MY SOUL MATE (ON THE DAYS THAT I BELIEVE IN THAT). oh shudder, gasp, sputter, cough...god let me choke on my own saliva and drop dead now so I will not have to live that one down. I actually had the audacity to say in said I SPY that I work at sneakers. Now, hmmmn. Who could have written that one, guys. Could it be the only single girl @ Sneakers?

Seriously, why can't you drop dead from embarassment?!

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