Saturday, January 24, 2009

Oh, Robert...and MORE...

So, unfortunately there will be no baking discussed today for two reasons: #1 being I did no baking this morning, and #2, I am way to pissed to talk about cake. I just want to get this out there: if you are a guy and you like a girl then do NOT be a flakehead douche bag to her. Know why? She will get annoyed and then confused and then pissed and her self esteem will teter and then she will realize that she was crazy to spend time being emotionally well, ANYTHING at you anyway since you're not worth a dirty old french fry stuck on the bottom of her payless nonslip work clogs. SO there. Oh, and when you say you're going to call someone, THAT DAY might be a good time. The rest of the world is not awake at all hours of the evening, and just because I wake up at 3 am does NOT mean that I am still awake at 11, 12, or 1 so STOP CALLING ME AT NIGHT!

wow, I feel better. sorry, dating sucks. i'm over it. I just want to marry Edward from Twilight and live happily ever after in vampire ecstasy. goddamn reality, you suck too...

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